Participation in due diligence processes, with particular emphasis on legal risk assessment in respect of contingencies related to the acquisition of companies or assets, with legal analysis of the relevant corporate documents. We also coordinate expert professionals whose hiring may be requested in the specific transaction.
Analysis and modelling of corporate structures envisaging M&A transactions, which may include local or international financial operations, setting up SPE vehicles and corporate/asset restructuring, as well as negotiation and drafting of all relevant contracts and related legal documents (SPA, Shareholders Agreement, etc.).
Issuance of legal opinions on questions referring to the Securities and Exchange Commission (Comissão de Valores Mobiliários, or CVM) regulations and corporate law on listed companies, including rights and obligations of shareholders and administrators, and the functioning of governmental agencies, amongst other related subjects.
Structuring of foreign investment transactions in Brazil, with the relevant regulatory analysis in respect thereof.
Consulting services on family succession planning.
Consulting services in corporate battles, including the resort to alternative dispute resolution methods like mediation and conciliation.
Negotiation, drafting and final preparation of corporate contracts, including, amongst others, joint venture and transfer of technology agreements.